Features and bugs

A list of features to be launched, and known bugs
Written by Chris Barley
Updated 9 months ago

We hope the Converso Early User service is helping you engage with your clients and customers.

As an Early User version, there are some features that we're still developing, and some know bugs that we're resolving.

Features not yet available:

1. Reply to a WhatsApp message with the sender's original message

2. Access to WhatsApp message templates by agents (presently limited to Admins)

3. Previews of doc(x) and xls(x) attachments sent from a customer

List of bugs that we're working on:

New features we're working on:

1. Auto assignment of conversations

2. Enhancements to dashboard reporting

3. Image library

4. Integration of WhatsApp message template creation and editing in Converso



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