Message notifications

How to know when you have new messages
Written by Chris Barley
Updated 1 year ago

When an inbound message is sent by a contact which does not receive a reply, a notification is sent automatically by email to an agent(s).

The email notification is sent at 0800, 1100, 1400 and 1700, Monday - Saturday, if a new message is received from a contact in the previous period, and the message did not get a reply. 

In the case of assigned conversations, the notification will be sent to the assignee agent. In the case of unassigned conversations, the notification will be sent to all agents is a group. Notifications are not sent to admins.

The email will include the date and time of the message, the sender, and the message contents.

When a number of messages have been sent by a contact, only details of the latest message will be included in the notification email.  

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